Muhammad Nasir(1*), Erviana Abdullah(2),

(2) Administrasi Pendidikan
(*) Corresponding Author


The aims of this research is to know the effectiveness of a model bounded inquiry laboratory to improve the ability of science literacy lecture a student on human anatomy and physiology. The research uses method is quasi-experiment, with his subjects the research uses two study groups namely in the first half of iv class A and B course biology education of STKIP Puangrimaggalatung Sengkang academic year 2017 / 2018. One class as a class experiment the classroom used the model bounded inquiry laboratory and other a class as a class control the classroom with learning directly or lectures. The data collection was done using a test of about literacy science. The result showed that model bounded inquiry laboratory with the sig .0,027; 0,05 and it so that it can be stated that guided inquiry-based learning more effective in upgrading literacy student than traditional learning lecture or lectures on human anatomy and physiology.


Key word: Bounded inquiry laboratory, human anatomy and physiology,  literacy science


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