GUIDENA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi, Bimbingan dan Konseling. Open Access journals with a focus and scope on a field of study and the of Guidance and Counseling and field such as Psychology and Education. GUIDENA be publishing the first time in print in 2011. Started by Dr. Budi Satrio Wibowo, MA. with Eko Susanto, M.Pd., Kons. Now under the leadership of editor Agus Wibowo, M.Pd. assisted Eko Susanto as managing editor.
In the early publications can only rise once a year in September. This is because they lack an understanding of journal management and resource constraints. So that in 2011 to 2014 published the number in September (Vol 1 No. 1 of 2011, Vol 2 No 1 of 2012, Vol 3 No 1 of 2013, Vol 4 No. 1 of 2014).
At the end of 2013, we introduced DOAJ by one of the Accreditation Assessors. Editor GUIDENA inspired to manage a good journal. Until 2015 GUIDENA could publish two numbers published until now in June and December.
GUIDENA now included on many portals such reputable international indexer low and medium. At the beginning of 2016 (February 18th, 2016) GUIDENA never submits to the highly reputable international indexers portal in SCOPUS. Because many of the limitations on the future GUIDENA, right on October 11, 2016, GUIDENA denied entry SCOPUS (see here).
Until today (March 31, 2017) became a pioneer GUIDENA science journal in Guidance and Counseling in Indonesia and many who follow in the footsteps GUIDENA specifically on the focus and the same. In 2015 GUIDENA had intended to publish in English, with all the limitations and understanding of this process is a valuable experience and continue to pursued until now.
Now GUIDENA continues its efforts to become an internationally reputed journal as shown by the better management of the issue to the next issue.
Best Regards for Success,