Pesantren Kyai Hasanudin in the Development of Islamic Education in Lampung in the Early 20th Century

Ahmad Benny Syahputra(1*), Miftahuddin Miftahuddin(2), Putri Nurhayati(3),

(1) Universitas negeri Yogyakarta
(2) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
(3) Universitas Ma'arif Lampung
(*) Corresponding Author


The writing of this article aims to: 1) to know the history of the entry of Islam in Lampung, 2) knowing the meaning and concept of pesantren, 3) knowing the role of Islamic education, especially in Lampung in the early 20th century, in this case the history of the Kyai Hasanudin Islamic boarding school. Meanwhile, the method used by researchers in writing this article is the historical research method with a literature study approach. Regarding the stages of historical research, according to Kuntowijoyo there are five stages, namely topic selection, heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historical writing. Research literature or literature review studies the position of research in writing articles occupies the highest position in providing evidence of a problem The results of writing this article are: 1) Lampung Islamization is known through 3 paths, namely from the west, north, and south, 2) the function of pesantren at the beginning of its development was only as a tool of Islamization, as well as an embodiment of Islamic religion-based educational institutions, 3) The establishment of Kyai Hasanudin Islamic Boarding School received a positive response from the people of Lampung as a means of recitation, religious teaching and discussion of problems both related to worship mahdhah and ghairu mahdah.


education; islam, lampung; boarding school; kyai hasanudin;

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