Kuswono Kuswono(1*), Cahaya Khaeroni(2),

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
(2) Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to menanalisis needs in developing learning modules integrated historical value religious character. Modules developed implementing integrated learning religious character so as to increase cognitive and affective aspects as well as foster appropriate behavior with Islamic values. Research method used in this research and development. The results showed that the curriculum is being developed today started out (in 2015) is the college curriculum (KPT), which refers to the Indonesian National qualifications framework (KKNI). Teaching materials are still not loading points the meaning of events (ibrah). Discussions undertaken by students only to the discussion of the material, while the value-laden character contained in the incident have not been able to convey. Models in the module that is taking advan theory organizer. The module was developed by entering a value-laden Islamic character of the events the Muhammadiyah development in 1912-1923. The module is equipped with exercises and questions and answers so that students can measure their own abilities. The test results show that our modules feasibility quality modules that are in both criteria with an average value of 78.

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