Journal History

This journal was first published in 2011 under the issued letter by LIPI, SK no. 0005.006/JI.3.2/SK.ISSN/2011.12 - December 5, 2011 (begin with five editions in December 2011) with barcode 9772089334000 and in a volume with two issues annually (April and October). However, it was published in the printed version only. Since 2015, the online version has been published simultaneously under the issued letter by LIPI, SK no. 0005.2442482X/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2015.02 – 03/1/2015 (February 18, 2015) with barcode 9772442482003. Since then, both versions have been published regularly in April and October. Since November 3, 2021, this journal has proposed to publish three issues annually and approved by November 4, 2021. Thus, the publication period is February, June, and October annually. DOAJ has officially indexed it since July 25, 2017 (but it is now excluded due to copyright issue). Premise is proposing to get indexed in DOAJ again in September 2023. Premise has been indexed by other index bodies such as Garuda, SINTA, Google Scholar, Scilit, Dimension,Crossref,IPI,BASE,Sciengate, WorldCat, publons and others. This journal has a DOI number prefix with 10.24127/pj. In addition, the name of this journal has been proposed to change from Premise: Journal of English Education to Premise: Journal of English Education and Applied Linguistics. It is approved, and thus the full name of this journal is legal. The current indexation is SINTA 3, as issued by an official decree dated December 30, 2020, No B/1796/E.5.2/KI.02.00/20, as placed in array 212. The status is extended with new official decree No 204/E/KPT/2022 dated October 3, 2022. The SINTA 3 indexation is valid until Volume 15 No 2, 2026. It is also proposed to get indexed in Copernicus, WoS, and Scopus.