Table of Contents
Development and Testing of Identity Fusion Instruments | |
Agitia Kurniati Asrila, Navissa Akmalia, Putri Sukma Deri |
Page: 1-10
The Psychological Well-Being of Student Activists | |
Casmini Casmini, Suyatno Suyatno |
Page: 11-34
Resilience as a Mediator of the Relationship between Stress Levels and Adaptive Performance in the Outer Islands TNI-AL (Indonesian National Army Navy) | |
Dian Juliarti Bantam, Agus Dwi Yanto, Muhammad Erwan Syach |
Page: 35-47
The Influence of Self Efficacy on Learning Outcomes in E-learning Activities with Learning Motivation as Moderator | |
Satya Fajar Gumelar, Fetty Poerwita Sary |
Page: 48-61
Fostering Students’ Mental Health in a Covid- 19 Era: E- Counselling, Paradigm Shift and Issues of Policy | |
Abel Enokela, Oyaziwo Aluede |
Page: 62-74
Psychoeducation and In Vivo Desensitization Techniques to Reduce Separation Anxiety in Children | |
Zafirah Hanna Qaddura, Hamidah Hamidah |
Page: 75-84
Standardization of The Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy in Central Indonesia Region (Bali, Kalimantan and Sulawesi) | |
Fitniwilis Fitniwilis, Ahmad Yunus |
Page: 85-97
Islam and Bugis Culture in Building The Character of The Luwu Society |
Yunus Yunus |
Page: 98-110