Table of Contents
Bibliotherapy for Emotional Literacy | |
Leny Latifah |
Page: 1-6
Solution Focused Brief Counseling (SFBC): Study in Students with Academic Procrastination | |
Muhammad Edi Kurnanto |
Page: 7-15
The Development of Serial Assertive Comics about Reproduction Organs: Prevention Toward Early Child Sexual Abuse | |
Padmi Dhyah Yulianti |
Page: 16-22
Study of Empowerment and Satisfaction to Boost Performance of Worker | |
Dita Cucu Kartika, Ma’ruf Akbar, Rugaiyah Rugaiyah |
Page: 23-28
Marriage Readiness of Emerging Adulthood | |
Nurlita Endah Karunia, Soerjantini Rahaju |
Page: 29-34