Table of Contents
Shaping A Student Self Efficacy Academic Through Live Modeling Technique (A Synthesis of Observational Learning in Social Cognitive Theory) | |
Ryan Hidayat, M Ramli |
Page: 1-9
Applications Post-Disaster Counseling in Indonesia: Issues and Challenges | |
Ifdil Ifdil, Faizah Bt Abd Ghani |
Page: 10-14
(Retracted) The Effectiveness of Adventure Based Counseling Program to Improve Student Happiness |
Aprilia Setyowati |
Page: 15-21
Counseling Junggringan Saintification of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram Teaching An Ideas Toward Indigenous Counseling | |
Budi Sarwono, M Ramli |
Page: 22-29
Career Decision Making in College Students | |
Sri Muliati Abdullah |
Page: 30-39
Trend of Students Religiosity Viewed Gender and Background Majors | |
Eva Imania Eliasa, Ilfiandra Ilfiandra, Syamsu Yusuf |
Page: 40-49