Abdu Mas'ud(1*), Sundari Sundari(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This research to know: (1) Biodiversity  land epifauna; (2) Relationship of environment factor physical-chemical  with land epifauna biodiversity in conservation  at area Forest Mount of Sibela. This method is Descriptif research with Pitfall trap Technique to collect land epifauna. The result of this research were : 1) Land epifauna at this research counted 74 species of epifauna which consist of 4 class, 18 ordo, 36 family and 63 genus; 2) Biodiversity of land epifauna at conservation forest shall be as follows: a) diversity index equal to 1,46475 category, b) eveness index equal to 0,35089 category of balanced, c) dominate index equal to 0,06280 category of to lower, d) important value of highest at species of Formica sanguine equal to 11,9817; 3) There are relationship is  significant between of physical-chemical environment factor with diversity index. Found of this research can be exploited for the development of study of ecology concept and practical contribution about procedure research of simple desain of  technique making of trap of land epifauna in the form of Pitfall trap at research focus of animal ecology (land arthropod) and also Entomological in Khairun of Ternate University.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24127/bioedukasi.v2i1.196


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